Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Republican Primary

Well, my wife and I early-voted today for the Republican Primary. It was disappointing to look down the list of names on the Ballot that were no longer running. Because we are not one of the earliest States on the Primary tour, we are forced to pick the candidate that we find the least offensive, rather than the one we felt would be the best candidate.

I think the primary system needs to be revamped, so that a few States do not have the power to decide who the rest of us get to vote for.

We watched the debate tonight from the Reagan Library in California, I thought the questions were inane and did not allow the candidates to address the issues that they find important.

It amazes me that John McCain can get away with lying about Mitt Romney while at the same time complaining about Romney's "attack ads."

The moderator (A. Cooper, CNN) did a terrible job of maintaining order and ensuring that the all of the candidates had the same time to answer questions or respond to the statements of other candidates. It was obvious that CNN considers the Republican race a two-man event, even though Mike Huckabee made some great points and has a chance to pull out some wins on Super Tuesday.

Hillary and the truth

I just heard a great quote!

"She has historically had problems with the truth."
Carl Bernstein on CNN, following the Republican Debate, 30 Jan,2008. Discussing whether Hillary could beat Barack Obama.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I just watched the Republican debate from Florida. I did not think there was a clear winner, I thought that all of the candidates got their points across. Ron Paul did not sound quite as nutty as usual.

I started to think about what would be a great ticket and Administration to take us into the future, it is listed below. While this is not yet complete, it does give us an idea of how to use Republicans in their areas of strength.

President Mitt Romney

Vice President Fred Thompson

Secretary of State Michael Steele

Secretary of the Treasury Mike Huckabee

Secretary of Defense Duncan Hunter

Attorney General Rudy Guliani

Secretary of the Interior TBD

Secretary of Agriculture Mitch Daniels

Secretary of Commerce Jack Kingston

Secretary of Labor TBD

Secretary of Health and Human Services TBD

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development TBD

Secretary of Transportation Peter King

Secretary of Energy TBD

Secretary of Education TBD

Secretary of Veterans Affairs TBD

Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Tancredo

While Romney was not my first choice, it is looking like he will end up being my best choice.

Feel free to plug in your choices for discussion sake.

Remember, any choice is better than anything the democrat party can come up with.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fred is out

I am very disappointed that Senator Fred Thompson has withdrawn his candidacy for President of the United States. Fred was the real conservative on the Republican ballot. Although I will support any of the Republican candidates over of any of the democrat candidates, it would be much better to have a true conservative.